INDIANAPOLIS (March 3, 2022) Conexus Indiana and the Indiana University Kelley School of Business Center for Excellence in Manufacturing today launched its annual survey seeking input from Indiana advanced manufacturing and logistics companies about their technology adoption journey. This is the third survey to measure adoption rates of advanced technologies, such as collaborative robots (cobots), Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous mobile robots and 3D printing that define the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0.
Conexus Indiana launched its first survey in 2020, the results of which led to the establishment of the Indiana Manufacturing Readiness Grants (MRG) program. The second report, titled “The First Signpost on the Road from Early Adoption to Widespread Application of Industry 4.0 Technologies,” showed significant progress with more than 40% of Indiana advanced manufacturers surveyed having successfully implemented or piloted an Industry 4.0 technology, more than double the figure from the 2020. Last year’s study also confirmed the impact of the MRG program, with 94% reporting that the grant enabled, accelerated or expanded their tech adoption project.
“We established a baseline understanding in 2020 of where Indiana companies fell on the tech adoption curve and saw measurable growth in 2021,” said Ryan Henderson, director of Innovation and Digital Transformation at Conexus Indiana. “These surveys are incredibly valuable to Conexus Indiana and the State of Indiana as we collectively develop programs to support our industries in an increasingly tech-enabled economy.”
The survey includes a total of 30 questions and takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Like previous surveys, the 2022 survey seeks to measure Indiana’s progress in Industry 4.0 technology adoption and identify which technologies are being adopted and make the most business impact. For example, the 2021 report showed that both large and small companies are rapidly adopting 3D printing (from 24% in 2020 to 39% in 2021), cobots (from 6% in 2020 to 22% in 2021) and machine vision (31% in 2021, not surveyed in 2020). Primary strategic objectives for implementing Industry 4.0 technologies were productivity (64%), quality (42%) and efficiency (41%).
In last year’s survey, it was evident many Hoosier companies are collecting manufacturing data (68%), but few use and share the data company-wide for decision making (11%) or value chain analysis (1.5%). This year’s survey includes the added category of Industry 4.0 big data and analytics, intended to uncover how advanced manufacturing and logistics companies are using the technology as well as identifying some of the barriers to adoption.
About Conexus Indiana
For more than a decade, Conexus Indiana, one of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP) non-profit initiatives, has been positioning the Hoosier State as the best place for advanced manufacturing and logistics industries to innovate, invest, employ and succeed. By collaborating with industry, academic and public sector partners on a shared vision for an innovative, skilled workforce and stronger business climate, Conexus Indiana has helped to create opportunities for advanced manufacturing and logistics companies, prepare Hoosiers to succeed in the state’s largest industry sectors and maintain Indiana’s competitive advantage. For more information, go to
About Indiana University Kelley School of Business Center for Excellence in Manufacturing
Manufacturers are caught in an ongoing revolution that requires them to consistently invest in their facilities, staff, and automation to keep up with competitors. As soon as they progress forward, the bar moves again. The IU Kelley School Center for Excellence in Manufacturing tracks this revolution and monitors trends to provide business leaders insight into this ever-changing industry. Our center finds and illuminates the most effective trends for companies while helping our students develop the skills that managers need. An increasing number of undergraduate and MBA students who study supply chain management are pursuing careers in manufacturing. We help them develop the understanding, vision, and flexibility necessary to enter this industry and lead these companies into the future. For more information, go to