Our Impact
Driving Industry Success
As industry thought-leaders, we have built up a library of case studies to help Hoosier businesses grow—both by incorporating leading-edge technologies and building a pipeline of talent that’s up to the task. Our case studies around Industry 4.0 adoption showcase the impact made by the Manufacturing Readiness Grants (MRG) program. MRGs have supported Hoosier manufacturers as they invest in Industry 4.0 technology to improve the efficiency of their manufacturing operations.
But adopting the technology that will help Indiana’s AML industry evolve and adapt is only as effective as the workforce that steps up to put this technology to use. To show how Hoosiers are stepping up to this workforce development challenge, we have assembled case studies from talent programs around the state.
Together, these case studies show the multi-pronged approach Conexus and our industry partners are taking to ensure that Indiana continues to strive for global leadership in AML. Learn more about what your business can do to achieve and maintain leadership in your sector through these stories of real-world impact.
The Technological Revolution is Here
Our Manufacturing Readiness Grants help Indiana’s makers meet the challenges of a rapidly changing economy by leveraging technologies from advanced communications to cobots to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and beyond. Explore the stories of businesses evolving and adapting to ensure their continued success and see what you could be doing to prepare yourself for the future.

Talent for Today and Tomorrow
Our partners are employing everything from partnerships with local school-based enterprises to launching flexible schedules to meet the needs of a “gig economy”—developing the workforce they need now and in the future. We hope these stories can help spark a revolution in workforce development in partnership with educators, businesses, and community organizations across Indiana. See what innovations could work for your business.