
IN3 – the Indiana Innovation Institute – works with academia, industry, and government to create a hub of national security innovation that helps solve critical defense priorities. We are building an ecosystem of economic growth that is speeding new investment and advancing partnerships, jobs, and the talent pool in Indiana. 

We connect regional, state, and national partners through a variety of means. This includes convening research and business teams to solve emerging technical challenges for the Department of Defense (DoD). We expect that these discoveries will impact a range of critical industries including medical, transportation, and many more.

Ways to Engage

IN3 is focused on the following critical technical areas:


  • Hypersonics presents a serious national security threat – one that urgently requires a range of robust capabilities. We are furthering hypersonic technology through better modeling, improved simulation capability, and increased collaboration. We aim to provide clients with added tools and talent to give them an edge in this rapidly-developing technological and operational field.

Cyber-Physical Systems

  • We are helping our partners develop and deploy new technologies, solutions, and systems that provide the foundation of our critical infrastructure – from defense to national intelligence, from medicine to manufacturing, and more.

Trusted Microelectronics

  • Our experts work throughout the microelectronics supply chain and life cycle to increase the trust and reliability needed in today’s environment. Our work spans the field – from design to fabrication, from packaging to testing, and more.

Artificial Intelligence

  • AI is essential – and increasingly becoming more so – in our government and commercial sectors. From supply chain operations to driverless cars and from maintenance to health, we are focused on improving capabilities and effectiveness. Whether the need is data-set quality improvement or real-time analytics, we work with technology leaders to build a range of solutions.


  • As we build the next generation of communications technology – used by both civilian and military networks – we are partnering with experts in research, development, risk mitigation, and implementation.