Emerging Tech

Blockchain-secured Documents for Global Trade

Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate presented “Blockchain 101” with an emphasis on government applications. Transmute explained how their platform technology works in global trade with a specific […]

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Emerging Tech

Connected Workplace Health Analytics

The Data Analytics and IoT Solutions division of LHP walked through a platform that provides rapid identification and control of virus, limiting community spread within a business. It identifies where […]

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Emerging Tech

How AI Is Transforming Manufacturing

Microsoft’s Global Manufacturing team provided a keynote on Microsoft’s vision for digital transformation in manufacturing environments. Mariner described how machine vision systems, machine learning algorithms and IoT infrastructure can be […]

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Emerging Tech

Three Ways Conexus Is Developing Indiana’s Technology Ecosystem

New technologies, data and processes are revolutionizing how we make and move products across the globe. Conexus Indiana is invested in ensuring Indiana remains competitive and retains its leadership position […]

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